Saturday, October 13, 2007

Getting Your Kids To Love Science

It seems that kids love to do anything and everything, but schoolwork and science is just another extension of schoolwork, or is it? What kids might not realize is that science is all around us in our world. While kids may not realize it science includes outer space, growing flowers or vegetables, animals, and even dinosaurs. So pretty much any thing you do with your kids whether it is going to the park for the day, going to the zoo or going to the animal shelter you can turn it into a science lesson, most of the time without them even realizing what you are doing.

Because kids are naturally curious it is easy to get them to love science because science will give them the answers to the numerous questions they have. One of the keys to getting your children interested is to get them to enjoy reading, while a lot of science can be hands-on you still have to do research and you also have to be able to read the directions. Kids who do not like to read will not have much fun researching information or worse they might not read the directions for the science projects that they want to do.

One of the keys to getting your kids to love science is to start early. Do not wait for school to start before trying to teach your child about science. Start teaching them stuff at a young age. The great thing about science is that you can gear it towards any age. For example when you are taking a walk in the spring you can talk with your child about why flowers are starting to grow this time of year. Or in the winter when your preschooler asks why their snowman melted you can explain to them about what snow is and why it melts.

Another important thing is to take advantage of your childs natural curiosity. Kids love to ask questions, they always want to know how something works, why something does that, how something is made, and anything else that they can think of to ask. Rather than telling them the answers you can ask them what they think the answer is. Getting the right answer is not as important as letting them think the process through. Giving them this opportunity will make them feel good about themselves, which can lead to a love of science.

Part of getting your kids to love science is to become actively involved in what they are doing. This lets you spend quality time with your kids something both of you love to do. Simply set aside a weekend and do hands-on projects with your kids. For example you can bake cookies with children and teach them about how mixing the ingredients together turn the separate ingredients into something else entirely. You can also teach them about temperatures when the cookies are in the oven. Another great science project for kids is planting a garden, include them in all the steps and let them help you tend it. During the different stages of tending the garden talk to your child about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Or if they are old enough ask them about the processes, this can even work with preschoolers.

Getting your child to love science can be fun for the both of you. And who knows you might find that in getting your child involved in projects you love science too. Just remember to keep the projects at an age appropriate level, but also make the projects challenging so your child does not grow bored.

Just Science Projects is a leading website featuring science projects and activities for kids. Just Science Projects specializes in helping parents, kids and educators find interesting and fun science projects that will help kids gain valuable science learning and experience. Visit us for more information on Just Science Projects and how you can get dozens of cool science experiments, or call 206-498-6502.

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